Thursday, 1 November 2012

Why mobile devices with internet connectivity are experiencing growth

By Harry Frank

Mobile technological gadgets such as phones and tablets continue to be growing in popularity with phone ownership currently being considered among the fastest growing trends. Many people possess one or two mobile phone gadgets that they utilize for a wide range of reasons.

A new research done predicts that mobile phones that are always connected to Internet are going to experience a considerable fast growth in their popularity in the next five years. The global shipments for such devices are set to grow from 3.5m presently to nearly 90 million in the year 2012; from a research carried out by ABI Research.

The main discovery of the research is that there is going to be numerous new products which are not compatible with existing class. These new devices are to be focused on the idea of internet all the time. The study recognised 8 groups of clients that will find mobile devices with internet interesting for many reasons.

The 8 categories are: Generation Y networks, multimedia lovers, younger gamers, lifestyle boomers, soccer moms, adventurers, business application users and frugal generalists. It is noted in the report that current manufacturers of consumer electronics will be leading in this market niche because they already have an established retail channels. The Generation Y social networkers, lifestyle boomers and multimedia lovers will be the most excited adopters because each count for 16-19% of the entire uptake.

Without taking into account the predictable development of putting additional functions into a single box, those using mobile gadgets with internet will carry many devices. Some of them might even dispose of their smartphones by replacing them with basic, uncomplicated phones.There will be considerable growth in gadgets that have internet access and this might be a fertile ground for marketers to reach clients in various ways.

As a result of some research, 25% of customers that show intention of buying smartphones are the same in number of people with intentions of buying DTVs and HDTVs. This number exceeds by far the number of customers intending to buy tablets (18%). (Actually, more customers have the intention of purchasing Blu-ray players (16%) and video game consoles (17%) than tablets.

The major factor in the increasing popularity of High-Definition TVs as well as video game consoles and Blu-ray players is the growing presence of in-built internet connectivity. The TV is still the leading entertainment centre for the average American family and internet link opens up flexibility of internet to television screen.

Electronic consumer devices like TVs, game consoles and Blu-ray remain at the heart of digital living room. More consumers continue to favour devices that are connected to the internet for watching video content as compared to other alternatives like tablets and smartphones. While connecting a mobile gadget to television screen or viewing wirelessly the screen can be new to many people, this practice is going to occur more often as market and consumer behavior evolves. Nevertheless, given the suitable characteristics of these devices and social nature of television watching, fixed devices will go on having a powerful part to play in many digital living rooms.

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