Friday 14 March 2014

Discover How Easy It Can Be To Hide Your IP Address

By Aldo Furtado

Some of the more recent disclosures about just how wildly unsecured your personal data is caught everyone off guard - including some of the major governments around the world. Most people had suspected that the powers that be were monitoring Internet and cell phone traffic without ever admitting to it, but the recent release of extremely controversial documents to that effect has led most people to believe that every move they make online is being monitored by somebody.

So, as much as we hate to admit it, it looks like the conspiracy theorists were right all along, and that the vast majority of Internet traffic is being monitored by somebody, somewhere - "Big Brother" is literally looking over your shoulder while you surf.

Other people prowl the electronic pathways for the sole purpose of finding out information about all IP address holders. They want much more than a simple online identity. These guys want it all; name, address, age, sex, employer, income, credit history and any other information that they can "worm" out of you (or your computer).

So right now folks it's time to start learning how to hide your online activities, and one of the fastest ways to do that is by using a VPN (virtual private network). This is a pretty much automated way for you to browse online in peace by routing your Internet traffic through thousands of servers dotted all over the world. Sounds complicated? Nope it's not, and if you want to see which one I use then just check out the resource link at the end of this article - I've tried others and this is my favourite my far.

With identity theft and millions of unscrupulous hackers lurking in the misty realm of cyberspace maybe it's time to discover how to hide your IP address while online. We all know that even the most innocent browsing of online sites can result in the unintentional sharing of some of your very personal information. See an interesting ad or article to click on? If you do, then you have opened a virtual Pandora's Box that can be difficult to close. Every speck of personal data that can be gleaned from the Internet has some use to someone.

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