Monday 22 September 2014

There Are A Few Specialized Active Directory Password Reset Packages Out There

By Lessie Kaufman

It can be very frustrating when one is caught up in the work at hand and all of a sudden have a window pop up saying that the current password is no longer valid. With Active Directory Password Reset this can be rectified fast and easily. Saving companies millions of dollars every year as this could cut in on productivity and schedules.

For those that work at the help desks they say that having to reset passwords is the second most common reason they are called upon. Having a centralized password manager in the mainframe will help the administrator to organize all passwords quickly and professionally. A specific program ADManager Plus has a built in feature that helps with either single or even multiple users to change them from a central point with just one click.

Simply press the following buttons at the same time and then click change a password. The buttons are Ctrl, Alt and delete. One will be asked to type in the old one and then just under that in the next box the new one. It will ask one to retype this so that it can be confirmed and that the correct spelling etc is the same. Then simply press enter and it is done.

To reset a Windows password one will need to make sure whether it is a domain, workgroup or a home group. This is just a different way of organizing everything on a network. All computers that run on a home network are normally part of a workgroup while those in a workplace normally run as part of a domain.

In a workgroup setting no one computer has control over another and each has its own user account. Normally the most computers using this network will be about twenty and there are no passwords added. They are all on the same subnet and no one is permitted to be on a separate network.

Those that belong to a home network need to be on a workgroup but are allowed to belong to a home group as well. This generally allows friends and families to share pictures, documents as well as music and videos. One such program that does this is Dropbox and is used by millions all over the world, not only for home use but for the work place as well. A password needs only to be typed in once and then the computer will automatically remember it every time one logs on.

A domain is when more than one computer is a server. All administrators use these so that security can be controlled. This makes it much easier to do any changes as it will automatically do the changes by itself. Each time a user logs on they will need to either type in their password or any other identification otherwise they will not be permitted access.

With some programs, this Password Reset can be done from their Idap active directory by answering a set of self appointed questions. All users can safely reset and change details without having to keep phoning the help desk. This will ensure that they are then able to concentrate on the more difficult tasks that are asked of them.

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