Monday, 26 January 2015

Active Directory Password Reminder And Creating Strong Access Info

By Janine Hughes

We are always confronted with the danger of information theft. Whether we think about it or not, the risk is there. We may not have experienced being directly affected by it but it is of major concern. This is especially true for companies who are working with huge amount of information. The need to make sure all of it is protected is very high.

People who are working in the securities department are constantly on the lookout for modes that will ensure the top caliber protection detail of the company that they are working for. From time to time, they send out active directory password reminder to the employees of the company. This follows after a major account reset.

Sadly, a lot of employees take this for granted. Some of them continue logging in to the old account details that they have and complain about not being able to access it. Of course it will not work. After the resetting, you will be given temporary passwords that you need in order to access it. These temporary ones have limited lifespan. It is the responsibility of the employees to change it to their preferred ones.

Do not be alarmed when you encounter emails, officially circulated within your company asking you to change your access information. They are all part of the drill. This is done to maintain maximum security within for your company data. Once you are asked to change your password, take time to consider these important reminders.

Use combinations. It is ideal to make use of letter, number and symbol combinations when creating a new one. A combination of these is proven to be the most effective and the most difficult types of password to crack. When you do so, be sure that you can easily remember it. But do not writer or post it anywhere.

It should be eight characters or more. Eight is the standard length of a strong access. Lower than that is discouraged. Sit down and spend some time creating a new one. While we use combinations, make sure that you make something that you can easily remember.

Do not use old passwords. No matter how strong you think an access is, if you have used it before in any sites in the internet, then forget it. There are so many combinations you can use. Make a different and unique one. You cannot be so sure that your old password has never been seen or hacked. Settle for the safer choice, namely, a new one.

Preferably contains no complete word. Experts also suggest that the password should not be a word. Therefore, you should not try to look for the most difficult word in the dictionary. Thieves are likely to check on them as well. This is exactly why we are encouraged to go for the combination to eliminate the options of making words as our main access.

Data theft is common. It can happen to anyone including you. As employees in a company, it is your responsibility to abide by the rules and regulations set by the higher ups when it comes to security measures. They are all for your good. Cooperate well.

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