Sunday 6 September 2015

Is Social WIFI Going Used

By Johnny Ruhaul

People have become so accustomed to using the internet that it is impossible to ask them to refrain from it even for a day. This is basically what has led to the introduction of various methods of connectivity. People connect via data and airtime and many people have now caught on to the latest way of internet connectivity, which is wireless connectivity. Social WIFI is what people all over the country have been talking about.

People who are internet savvy will know about this and all other things related to the internet. No matter who you are and what walk of life you come from, this method of internet connectivity will have you interested. People who work with computers and the internet will k now about it and students will definitely be interested in it, if they are not already using it on a daily basis.

This method of connecting to the internet involves wireless connectivity or in essence that is what it is. You can take your laptop and sit at a restaurant that offers this type of internet connectivity and surf the internet whether you have data or not. This is a bonus to those who own tablets and smart phones.

You can find it in selected locations. Most of the time it is in malls and places where you find a large crowd of people at any given point and time. You may also find it at universities and places of education. Schools are also beginning to introduce it as children are being introduced to computers and the virtual world.

People can use it at any time. There are those that use it during the day at work and then there are the children who use it at school, also during the day. People then come home and use it in the evenings and in the night to do many things. They research and children do projects and assignments on them. Some youngsters may even download games and movies using this resource.

The internet has become a normal part of daily life. People can be seen on their smart phones reading the news in the mornings. The can be seen punching in address in their navigators while in their cars and also catching up on the latest gossip on the tablets. The internet has many uses and it helps to make life easier and better. It can provide a person with much resources on practically any topic and it helps to broaden your general knowledge.

In many countries this resource is available freely, however, there are countries around the world, where you cannot just have access to this resource as often as you would like. People in many countries have to spend money on purchasing data to use the internet as these wireless hot spots are only placed in specific locations and in most cases, you cannot have access to it in your home. So you can use it only when at a shopping mall or fast food place.

If you enjoy surfing the internet and find that you cannot function without it, make it a point to sift out all the relevant wireless hot spots in your area. You can enjoy hours of surfing online and even come home with a few movies and the latest songs on your phone or tablet.

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