Thursday 29 September 2016

The Value Of Learning Styles Survey

By Carolyn King

Knowing your learning style helps you understand the content of different subjects better. You will also avoid wasting time in exercises that do not better your grades. For teachers, learning styles survey helps you identify the best way to handle different pupils and make the most of your contact hours. The concept of styles explains why pupils perform better in some subjects and not others.

There are three main methods of acquiring knowledge leading to three categories of learners. There are kinesthetic or tactile learners, visual learners and finally auditory learners. Most learners employ a combination of methods but there is always the dominant one. To get the exact method, you need to consult a professional in education. This makes it easier to handle pupils and thus effectively deliver desired content.

The survey involves questions aimed at establishing the character of a learner. They range from the books he or she reads, how to find solutions in difficult situations, action in public areas, etc. The questions may also touch on reaction when something happens, e. G. When attacked by an animal. The answers provided point at reactions and perspective about life.

Visual learners are a category that best absorb information from maps, charts and diagrams. Their minds work by creating relationships or connections between information and images or techniques. This is their best way of remembering concepts taught in class. Long texts and narrations are always boring for this group. It is usually a waste of time to sit through narratives. Their solutions are based on diagrams or images.

Auditory learners understand best when a speech or narrative is given. This makes their memory of spoken words excellent. They prefer listening to endless speeches and narrations other than using diagrams. This way, they can capture a lot of what needs to be learnt. Their concentration or eye contact with the person making the presentation may be off. This does not mean that their attention is divided. You will be surprised to hear them ask questions on subjects mentioned as a by the way.

Those who learn by engaging are referred to as tactile or kinesthetic learners. Their best class is where they are involved in experiments. They believe in physical results more than narratives. Kinesthetic learners express their ideas or desires by acting them out. You need to know how to decipher such signals.

It is impossible to have different classes for each style. As such, teachers and facilitators are encouraged to combine different methods to accommodate each type of learner. For different subjects, teachers are encouraged to identify the most effective way of delivering. For instance, demonstrations might not exist in history. However, a trip to a museum will make it easier for learners to understand historical facts.

A student is easier to handle when you understand his or her learning method. There are tests designed by professionals to enable you perform this task. Using tests prepared by amateurs is always misleading and may cause you to mishandle a student. A combination of methods will be effective depending on the concept being handled at a particular time.

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