Saturday 1 September 2018

With An Updated LIS Lab Information Systems, Everyone Benefits

By Sandra Butler

If you ve ever been sick you will definitely know that it is very frustrating to wait for your test results, you want them as in yesterday to know what you re facing. It is not always possible to get them right away when old medical systems are used. LIS Lab Information Systems are there to simplify things in medical facilities.

They enable easy storage of medical data in a digital environment opposed to a physical storage. Patients files often get lost if they are physical, that can now be avoided if they get stored as soft copies. And instead of taking time of going through the shelves looking for a particular file, the software will just pull it up in seconds. So a safer and faster storage and searching of data are guaranteed.

Since data is stored electronically, it will be easier to share with other medical systems instantly. Patient information (recorded in physical files) exchanges between 2 departments were the major cause of files getting lost, so now they will be shared using a software.

Apart from storing patient information, there are other uses of medical software. Another use is managing stock. Orders can be placed through them and their processing be easily traced. Predictions of how much stock and when to purchase them can also be done through the use of this software. So that problem mentioned earlier of having to send patients back due to unavailable stock will be avoided.

A software when put is simple term is a model created to simplify complex matters. It works in the following manner. Data is input in the model, the model then processes and cleans it, make the necessary calculations and gives needed answers. So long as your data input is errorless then you ll always get accurate results unlike when you have to do the calculations by yourself. So it will help you to manage your hospital or lab finances.

It is crucial to know what you want the software do for you before you buy it to ensure satisfaction. Also, you must find out the aim of the software by the vendor. Ask them to help you find one that will cater for your lab s needs wholly. The software is usually made for different lab sizes.

You can t just adopt any available lab software, it has to be able to meet your needs without compromise; otherwise, it will be useless. The new tool should be intertwined with your old database for it to be able to import your data history. Ask your vendor for recommendations based on your current database. You should also think about where you want it to be installed. Do you prefer putting your information on the clouds or do you want one that is designed specifically for your facilities?

If you don t have a software yet then you should consider purchasing one. However, know that it is important to always protect your patient s information. With the advancement of technology, cybercrime has increased too. Ensure that the software you purchase won t put your patient s data at risk, you can discuss this with your vendor.

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